• Stunning free blogging theme for WordPress. Specially crafted for lifestyle & fashion bloggers, Brittany Light guarantees the smoothest reading experience.
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  • Are you looking for the best WordPress theme for your Corporate, Business, and Agency or Personal portfolio sites? Corporate Plus a free version of theme will be the best theme for you. It is simple, attractive and responsive theme with lots of theme options which helps the user to easily customize theme. If you want to head start by installing demo content, one click demo install is available through Acme Demo Setup plugin. In addition, corporate plus is WooCommerce compatible theme. This theme is also one page ready theme, you can easily design this theme on one page sites too. It includes unique slider section, about section, service section, parallax section, blog section and contact section. This theme is fully widgetized, so it is easier to operate. This theme have full screen slider image and responsive image, you can choose based on your requirements. Corporate Plus is child theme compatible, SEO friendly, cross browser compatible and responsive theme with translation ready codes. The code / setup is easy to customize and extend by various hooks offered in the build. This is the ideal WordPress theme for anyone looking to spice-up their site.
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  • Construction Field is an impressive free business WordPress theme for construction, engineering, architecture, real state or building company. The theme is suitable for construction or real state agency and overall construction and real estate sites. It is very important for any company to showcase their service, portfolio, about company, recent updates professionally to let clients be updated and know company service and portfolio. With using Construction Field you can present online presence of your company beautifully and distinctly.
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  • Multi-Author Blog WordPress Theme is an absolutely unique theme concept – never done before. You can turn your WordPress website into live multi author blogging portal. Users can register themselves and start writting their blog posts and manage their own media. Blog posts can be placed on interactive map which will make your website stand from any standard one. Many things in this theme were custom built.
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  • A Powerful, awesome and modern theme for any online store, with highly customize features and beautiful design. Online Shop is customizer based theme, there are several options, Highly customized Feature Section- left and right – vertical and horizontal slider, special menu for showing any categories or showcase products. Advanced customized widgets with vast possibilities of design and layout options, also has sufficient options to display products and posts. The theme has limitless possibilities to create your online store unique and beautiful. This theme is fully compatible with popular plugin WooCommerce. If you are going to build or redesign your online store, Online Shop theme is the best and perfect theme for your site. Other notable features of this theme are advanced header options, footer options, sidebar options, copyright options, advanced slider options, featured category post, featured post page, sticky sidebar options, single post options, WooCommerce page options, sticky menu options, special menu options, advanced logo options, advertisement options and many more. Use this theme and have any query or need assistance don’t forget to contact us.
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  • Intechnic Lite wordpress theme for marketing business . The look and feel of website will attract the viewers as we know that look and feel depends on the theme of the website . So, in other words, theme of the website is extremely important to make the website popular. The Intechnic is best theme for marketing business. You can have it for free initially. You can upload your content in form of text or images.
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  • Uncode is a minimal and clean WordPress theme, best optimized for easy use and great functionality. Even being a free and simple theme, it doesn’t lack any features. This elegantly designed theme is packed with all required feature to let you create a complete website with an ease.
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  • True North features a truly unique design that is guaranteed to promote your work to a new level. Your work, in focus. Portfolio items make up the entire homepage and help you display your creativity in the best way possible. True North comes with multiple options to configure its layout: portfolio display (slideshow, image array), column listing, and isotope filtering. The almighty Options Panel gives you complete control over your website allowing you to turn elements on or off, add your logo, change backgrounds and much more. Custom widgets mean more functionality. Content widgets, social networking, Twitter, Instagram and more! Our WordPress themes will help you rank higher in search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo!
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  • Beauty Studio is a charismatic WordPress theme built especially for a beauty based firm. The theme`s layout design and functionality have been constructed with elegance and quality code to form a complete dazzling website. Whether its beauty club, hair salon or health spa this theme is the best one to showcase your services worldwide. It has Site Origin Page Builder compatibility which will let you customize every aspect of the theme with ease. With the help of WooCommerce integration, the user can easily set up an online store within the site and sell or endorse their beauty products. Some additional features like Advanced Custom Widgets, Responsive or Full-Screen Slider Image, Header Options, Footer Options & Widgets, Home/Front Page Content, Booking Appointments, Custom Sidebar Areas, Advanced Typography, Unlimited Google fonts etc makes the theme extremely flexible. Finally, an ideal WordPress theme for any kind of beauty venture to emerge their online presence and boost their business broadly.
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